Luminos Chamber Orchestra
Luminos Ensemble is pleased to launch our new project, a fully-professional chamber orchestra, in Spring 2023. Luminos Chamber Orchestra will be an auditioned, per-service ensemble with no guaranteed number of services. We anticipate 5-7 projects per season.
Blind auditions will be held on February 18th and 19th 2023 for the following instruments:
Section Violin I/II Section Viola Section Cello Section Double Bass
Section Flute Section Oboe Principal & Section Clarinet Principal Bassoon
Principal & Section Horn Principal & Section Trumpet Principal & Section Trombone Principal Tuba
Principal Percussion (note that percussion auditions will be recorded only)
Auditions will consist of a short unaccompanied solo (principals only) of the candidate's choice, prepared excerpts, and sight reading. To access the audition packets, click here.
Note: if you are interested in a principal position but would also take a section position, please sign up for the Principal audition.
To sign up for an audition, you must BOTH sign up for an audition time here, AND fill out an application form here.
If you have questions, please send an email to the executive director margot@luminosensemble.com